Hello! I’m Sophie, an Edmonton-based painter and printmaker.
Many years ago, I was trying to figure out what I should study in university. I thought about art but wound up in science. I had always loved wandering in the woods, and graduated with a B.Sc. in Natural Resource Management, and an M.Sc. in Strategic Leadership toward Sustainability.
No regrets. So far, my career has taken me to some truly incredible places: walking across frozen tundra in Nunavut, listening for songbirds in northern Ontario, and counting caribou and moose from a helicopter in Alberta. On my days off, I’d go hiking up mountains or running among the roots and trees. In all these moments, I have been quietly looking and absorbing.
With my paintings and linocuts, I am trying to explore the beauty in those quiet moments. I paint outdoors, on location, any chance I get. Being out there, absorbing the sounds and scents, feeling the wind on my cheeks… these sensations make their way into the art.
I hope you enjoy!
Published 2024.