Searching for a spot to paint near Drumheller, Alberta

Found one! Beautiful view, dry, warm, and sheltered from the winds above… perfect.

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Hello! I’m Sophie, an Edmonton-based painter and printmaker.

Many years ago, I was trying to figure out what I should study in university. I thought about taking fine art, but my practical parents steered me toward science. I had always loved wandering in the woods, and ended up with a B.Sc. in Natural Resource Management, and later an M.Sc. in Strategic Leadership toward Sustainability.

No regrets. So far, my career has taken me to some incredible places: walking across frozen tundra in Nunavut, listening for songbirds in northern Ontario, and counting caribou and moose from a helicopter in Alberta. On my days off, I’d go hiking up mountains or running among the roots and trees. In all these moments, I have been quietly looking and absorbing.

With my paintings, I am trying to explore the beauty in those quiet moments. I paint outdoors, on location, any chance I get. Being out there, absorbing the sounds and scents, feeling the wind on my cheeks… these sensations make their way into the final paintings.

If you would like to support my work, one way is to make a purchase. It is so meaningful when someone chooses to bring an artist’s original work into their home, and part of what keeps us going! Another way you can show your support is to follow @sophiegraine on Instagram. And lastly, you can easily help nurture the arts by sending your favourite artists some encouraging words. Everyone needs to hear, once in a while, that their efforts are seen and valued!

Published 2024.